Posts by steve

Cost Recovery at Deep Inlet August 10 – 125,000 lbs

Posted by on Aug 11, 2016 in news | 0 comments

Cost recovery began at Deep Inlet on Wednesday August 10th. Two boats harvested 125,000 lbs. Sex ratio was 57% male. We will need to take otolith samples to determine what proportion, if any, is Hidden Falls stock as that could skew the sex ratio. The 100 fish sample taken last night had several partially spawned females which would certainly be from the HF stock. Boats are fishing again today.

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Deep Inlet Cost Recovery to Begin August 10, 2016

Posted by on Aug 9, 2016 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Deep Inlet cost recovery will begin August 10th and continue August 11th. This will be the first look at how many chum have moved into Deep Inlet. The NSRAA website will be updated daily on catch. Approximately 300,000 chum will need to be caught during the closure.

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Hidden Falls Egg Take Goal Reached August 8, 2016

Posted by on Aug 9, 2016 in news | 0 comments

177,000,000 chum eggs were taken at Hidden Falls Hatchery as of Monday. This will allow maximizing each program at Kasnyku, Takatz, and SE Cove. The NSRAA board will be discussing moving some of these fry to Thomas Bay and Malmesbury in 2017

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Deep Inlet to Close 11:59 pm August 6

Posted by on Jul 25, 2016 in cost recovery, hatchery | 0 comments

Deep Inlet to Close 11:59 pm August 6

Deep Inlet will close August 6th at the end of a troll day. The SHA will remain closed to trolling, seining and gillnetting until the cost recovery goal is met. It is expected to be closed for approximately two weeks. The chum goal during the closure has not been set as it will be affected by current cost recovery harvests at Southeast Cove, Hidden Falls (there may be some excess to broodstock), and Bear Cove/Medvejie where we are harvesting small but significant numbers tomorrow. The target number will be determined early next week. However, it is expected that the total number of chum at...

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Deep Inlet Cost Recovery Closure Date Discussed

Posted by on Jul 22, 2016 in cost recovery, schedule | 0 comments

Deep Inlet Cost Recovery Closure Date Discussed

There will need to be a closure at Deep Inlet for cost recovery harvest soon, although the exact date is being discussed in the Executive Committee. Final decision on date will be made early next week. Due to the run failure at Hidden Falls (broodstock is secure at 160,000 chum) we will need to harvest an additional lot of chum at Deep Inlet to make up for the income shortfall. Not including what we have already harvested at Deep Inlet, we need to harvest 300,000 additional chum salmon. The DI summer run forecast was 400,000 fish and is on track for hitting that target. The fall run is...

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