Posts by steve

Hidden Falls Broodstock Looking Promising

Posted by on Jul 22, 2015 in news | 0 comments

Two independent pilot reports corroborate that there are sufficient chum in the Hidden Falls SHA to meet the broodstock goals. We also have DIPAC as a backup for up to 30 million eggs if we need them. Currently we have 20 million eggs and 25,000 fish behind the barrier net. Once we get most of what we need for broodstock I hope to open Takatz Bay for common property. I expect it will be Sunday before I could make such a call.

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Deep Inlet Early Stock (Hidden Falls) Better than 2014

Posted by on Jul 22, 2015 in news | 0 comments

Contrary to the Hidden Falls stock at Hidden Falls, at Deep Inlet it is performing quite well. In fact better than in 2014. The run probably has another week to go but right now the return is 520,000 or roughly 2.5% marine survival and will likely end up at 3%. In rounded numbers, 23 million Hidden Falls stock fry released at Deep Inlet in 2011 resulted in 600,000 adults in 2015, while at Hidden Falls/Takatz 76 million fry released in 2011 resulted in perhaps 250,000 (a rough guess) adults. Three times the release but less than half the return. Same stock, same eggtake site (Hidden Falls),...

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Hidden Falls Update July 10

Posted by on Jul 10, 2015 in news | 0 comments

No new broodstock estimate today as the weather prevented survey so far today. Will update as soon as I have new numbers.

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Hidden Falls Update – July 9

Posted by on Jul 9, 2015 in news | 0 comments

It seems certain Hidden Falls will not open for chum salmon again in 2015. Right now we are attempting to estimate numbers of chum in the area for broodstock. Two fish spotter pilots estimate there are 100,000 fish from Turbot to Cosmos and offshore. At least one fisherman believes the number is closer to 50,000. ADF&G has also looked at just Kasnyku Bay and estimated 50,000. I was on the water in Kasnyku on July 7 and estimated 20,000 chum. Some good news is that the male ratio was 58% at Pt Gardiner, over 60% at Deep Inlet for the Hidden Falls stock, 58% male at Amalga, and finally 54%...

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Hidden Falls a Huge Disappointment – Will Close to Fishing

Posted by on Jun 29, 2015 in news | 0 comments

Hidden Falls a Huge Disappointment – Will Close to Fishing

Hidden Falls chum salmon performance is far below the forecast and the fishery will need to be closed in order to ensure broodstock numbers. The broodstock goal is 180,000 fish for the Hidden Falls/Takatz programs (101 million eggs), Deep Inlet (24 million eggs), and Southeast Cove (55 million eggs). NSRAA secured the permit for up to 30 million eggs from DIPAC, and DIPAC has generously agreed to take up to the limit this year. So far about 35,000 chum have been harvested at Hidden Falls; the male ratio from Sunday June 28 was 68%. We could risk another opening given the sex ratio but this...

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