Posts by steve

Medvejie Broodstock August 22

Posted by on Aug 22, 2014 in news, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Deep Inlet has been closed for 5 days now but few fish have shown up at the head of the inlet. There were a few jumps yesterday but no small or large bodies of fish. The fish were either deep or not there. Medvejie/Bear Cove looks much better, with an estimated 45,000 chum. Chum eggtakes begin tomorrow and I will have another estimate by tonight. Net pens are being towed to the head of Deep Inlet today and we will have a purse seiner at Deep Inlet this weekend or Monday. If there are fish the seiner will roll them into the net pens. However, if we don’t see fish we will conduct some...

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Medvejie/Deep Inlet Broodstock Report

Posted by on Aug 20, 2014 in news | 0 comments

The estimate of broodstock at Medvejie/Bear Cove as of Wednesday morning is 45,000 chum. The estimate at Deep Inlet, head of bay only is 5,000 to 10,000 and somewhat scattered. I am sure there are more fish at Deep Inlet THA but we need them to concentrate at the head end in order to capture and roll into net pens. We will continue to monitor numbers at both locations daily. The working plan is to accumulate 90,000 fish between Deep Inlet and Medvejie before we reopen the fisheries. This will be the largest eggtake at Medvejie by a large margin – 85,000,000 eggs (include new Crawfish...

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Deep Inlet to Close Sunday August 17, 12:01 a.m.

Posted by on Aug 12, 2014 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

NSRAA plans to close Deep Inlet THA Sunday August 17. ADF&G will announce closure of southern portion of Sitka Sound to seine fishing for the Augusta 16/17 opening and non retention of troll caught chum in similar area. NSRAA will continue to evaluate gillnet, troll, and seine fisheries through Saturday August 16. If a huge wave of a quarter million chum arrive in the meantime we can reverse course, but that seems unlikely. Once the closure is initiated NSRAA will monitor fish numbers in Deep Inlet and Medvejie. When there are 30,000 chum at Deep Inlet we will hire a seiner to capture...

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Deep Inlet Chum Return – Another Challenge

Posted by on Aug 11, 2014 in news | 0 comments

We are weighing whether to close Deep Inlet and surrounding waters to chum fishing. We will be making the decision on Tuesday in order to get an announcement out this week. Currently, we are considering three options: Close Deep Inlet THA, south Sitka Sound seine fishery (ADFG authority), and troll non retention (ADFG authority) of chum salmon in south Sitka Sound beginning Thursday. Close Deep Inlet THA, south Sitka Sound seine fishery (ADFG authority), and troll non retention (ADFG authority) of chum salmon in south Sitka Sound beginning Sunday. Remain open Medvejie program needs 80,000...

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Hidden Falls Broodstock Update

Posted by on Aug 11, 2014 in news | 0 comments

We had all the chum broodstock necessary to meet our goals – 150,000 adults for 160 million eggs destined for release at Kasnyku (50.5 million), Takatz (50.5 m), SE Cove (35 m), and Deep Inlet (24 m). A set of environmental circumstances has somewhat thwarted our efforts. Before there is any panic, we have 131 million eggs incubating and expect to get more (we took 6 million on Sunday). Eggtakes began normally in mid July, a little early but not unusual. The low snowfall last winter affected late July freshwater flows at Hidden Falls which we have had to deal with in past years. When...

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