Posts by steve

Deep Inlet Second Run Heating Up

Posted by on Aug 8, 2013 in news | 0 comments

The early chum run (Hidden Falls stock) harvest came in at about 520,000, approximately double the forecast. The fall run harvest to date is roughly 250,000, although the data reporting runs behind actual catch somewhat. The total catch last week was 130,000 fish; the trollers taking 75,000 of those with a fleet of ~50 boats, although the boat count this week is 70. Given the catch rates, it suggests there must be a large body of fish outside Deep Inlet THA from Biorka to Vitskari to Eastern Channel. In addition, even with good coho fishing near by, the chum troll fleet continues to grow....

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Hidden Falls Over 1.3 Million Return & Deep Inlet Fall Chum Starts

Posted by on Jul 23, 2013 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

The Hidden Falls run surpassed the 1.3 million chum forecast with the July 21st opening. Chum continue to trickle in but it appears nearly over. The Hidden Falls stock at Deep Inlet performed quite well this year with some 500,000 chum harvested by the three gear groups. Larger chum are beginning to get caught (5 year old males?)  in the Eastern Channel troll fishery so it is likely the fall run is starting. Hidden Falls is breaking spawning records nearly every day. Eggtakes are tedious and arduous when the goal is 135 million eggs and the average day yields 7 million eggs, taking 20...

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Hidden Falls Will Collect Final Broodstock, Volitional if Possible

Posted by on Jul 11, 2013 in news | 0 comments

Final broodstock are being collected & counted using leads into the barrier net during the fishery today. We may be able to finish it this way but if not we’ll enlist a boat. If we can complete the broodstock goal our intention is to open Kasnyku Bay for fishing.

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Deep Inlet tops 350,000 Chum Catch for all Gear

Posted by on Jul 10, 2013 in news | 0 comments

Deep Inlet tops 350,000 Chum Catch for all Gear

Deep Inlet keeps chugging along providing the best catches for June and early July since 2000. SSRAA sampled the District 4 seine fishery on July 7th and found 30% of the chum catch was Medvejie origin. Several percent was Hidden Falls as well. You can track the return here.

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Hidden Falls Broodstock Completed for July 10th

Posted by on Jul 10, 2013 in news | 0 comments

F/V Cape Flattery completed two sets this morning in Kasnyku Bay to reach our broodstock goal for the week – 110,000 chum. We still need about 20,000 fish.

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