Posts by steve

Deep Inlet Cost Recovery Completed!

Posted by on Aug 26, 2017 in cost recovery, news, schedule | 0 comments

Deep Inlet Cost Recovery Completed!

Announcement will come out Sunday for Deep Inlet reopening. Completed in record time thanks to 10 harvest boats and numerous fish. The remainder of the Deep Inlet fish will be for common property. I do not see any broodstock problems. Please respect the gear group that is fishing their rotation in Deep Inlet; stay out of their way. Trollers will likely be fish Eastern Channel as well. Troll Tuesday Seine Wednesday Gillnet Thursday and so forth on published schedule. Great job SBS seiners getting the job done efficiently and orderly. Thank you

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Deep Inlet Cost Recovery Saturday 26 Aug – 8am

Posted by on Aug 26, 2017 in cost recovery, news | 0 comments

Deep Inlet Cost Recovery Saturday 26 Aug – 8am

Began fishing at 6 a.m. with 8 boats. Approximately 400,000 pounds harvested by 8 a.m. We will attempt to finish cost recovery today, just another 280,000 pounds to go. We will harvest about 150,000 pounds outside Deep Inlet beginning at 9 a.m. It is almost certain we will open with troll on Tuesday and seine Wednesday, gillnet Thursday. Next update early afternoon. If we complete cost recovery today or Sunday, ADF&G is already on alert so an announcement can be issued soon after.

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Deep Inlet Cost Recovery Update 24 Aug – 6 pm

Posted by on Aug 24, 2017 in cost recovery | 0 comments

Deep Inlet Cost Recovery Update 24 Aug – 6 pm

The adjusted harvest is 907,000 pounds. Goal for Saturday is 693,000 pounds. We will fish in Deep Inlet (to Eckholms), outside Camp Coogan, and Silver Bay (to lesser extent) and expect to finish on Sunday at the latest. If we do finish cost recovery we will get an announcement out by Monday for a Tuesday troll opening followed by Wednesday seine, and Thursday gillnet. I will post a blog on Sunday as to whether we completed cost recovery and when Deep Inlet will most likely reopen. Remember, ADF&G reopens at our request, but it is not official until the ADF&G announcement comes out....

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Deep Inlet CR Rap Up 23 August – 8pm

Posted by on Aug 23, 2017 in cost recovery | 0 comments

Deep Inlet CR Rap Up 23 August – 8pm

Harvest boats worked into the night and at least one filled up. The estimate for total chum harvest is 920,000 pounds. This puts us within 680,000 pounds in order to finish the job Saturday/Sunday. Thank you to all the boats, skippers, crew, and tenders for their efforts. It seems likely we will complete the job over the next weekend.

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Deep Inlet Cost Recovery 23 Aug, 3 pm

Posted by on Aug 23, 2017 in cost recovery | 0 comments

Deep Inlet Cost Recovery 23 Aug, 3 pm

Cost recovery harvest has been slow today, perhaps 100,000 pounds. Total on-board or processed is 800,000 pounds; half way to the goal. Seiners will fish two days of common property Thursday/Friday and begin cost recovery harvest again on Saturday morning. With some luck sufficient fish will move into the SHA and we will finish by Sunday August 26. Stay tuned. Next blog update will be Saturday morning.

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