Posts by Scott Wagner

July 21st Return Update

Posted by on Jul 21, 2023 in front page, news | Comments Off on July 21st Return Update

July 21st Return Update

Returns to Hidden Falls have tapered since opening on Sunday July the 13th when 300k chum were harvested. Openings are continuing but have averaged around 40k adult chum each opening. Hidden Falls will be open this Sunday (7/23) with same lines as this past Thursday. While the returns have tapered quickly since the 23rd we will still most likely surpass 1 million total chum return to Hidden Falls. We continue to make strong progress with chum egg takes at Hidden Falls and are currently at 80 million taken of our 198 million goal and have utilized 100k adults to date. Our estimate is between...

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July 13th Return Update-Hidden Falls produces

Posted by on Jul 13, 2023 in front page, news, Uncategorized | Comments Off on July 13th Return Update-Hidden Falls produces

July 13th Return Update-Hidden Falls produces

The big news this week is today’s Hidden Falls chum opener which, when it is all over today, will be the largest single day harvest in at least the past decade. Early estimates indicate total harvest may top 300k adult chum. This is fabulous news and puts us on a potential path to top a 1 millionchum return this year to Hidden Falls which hasn’t happened since 2013 (1.38m in 2013). Keep in mind we currently release approximately 50% fewer chum fry from Hidden Falls than we did in the brood years that made up the 2013 return. Today Hidden Falls is beginning their chum spawn and we...

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July 5th Hidden Falls return update

Posted by on Jul 5, 2023 in front page, news | Comments Off on July 5th Hidden Falls return update

July 5th Hidden Falls return update

Chum returns to Hidden Falls continue to improve and it is beginning to look like our forecast of 800k adults may be possible.  To date approximately 213k adults have been harvested by the seine fishery. This will certainly be the largest commercial catch in the Hidden Falls THA in over a decade by the time it is over. While I am optimistic that the return is coming in strong and continuing to build, the Thursday July 6th Hidden Falls opener has had further area restrictions to begin to accumulate brood stock in Kasnyku Bay. Currently there is less than 5k adults behind the barrier net with...

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Friday June 30 Return Update

Posted by on Jun 30, 2023 in front page, news, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Friday June 30 Return Update

Friday June 30 Return Update

After a slow first 10 days of fishing at Hidden Falls things have begun to pick up. Yesterday (6/29) in the Thursday seine opening approximately 60k chum were harvested compared to a cumulative total of 25k for the previous 10 days. The 6/29 sample had a 6.5lb size avg, 67% male and the age structure of the return so far is relatively “normal” with the majority being age 4. .  While this harvest increase gives us confidence that the return is tracking our forecast of 800k total return, the lines have been modified for Sundays (7/2) opener to provide more protection for brood...

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Deep Inlet/Bear Cove Closure

Posted by on Sep 7, 2022 in news, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Deep Inlet/Bear Cove Closure

Deep Inlet/Bear Cove Closure

The Deep Inlet terminal harvest area will close to common property fishing at end of day Saturday (9/10) for chum and coho brood stock concerns at Medvejie Hatchery, and a likely shortfall of chum cost recovery from Crawfish Inlet.  We are just over 50% complete on the fall chum egg take goal of 92 million at Medvejie and estimate that we may need an additional 5-10k fish for brood, depending upon additional recruitment, and final sex ratio. Additionally, the coho return to Bear Cove and Deep Inlet continue to perform below forecast. Bear Cove will close to retention of coho salmon at...

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