2018 Deep Inlet Schedule
The 2018 Deep Inlet Schedule was finalized at the spring NSRAA Board of Directors meeting. The schedule will begin a month earlier this season to provide Troll opportunity from early May through mid-June. Seine openings (24-hr) will be occur on May 1, June 3, and June 10 during this period. Gillnet openings (12-hr) will be May 2, June 9 and June 16. The May 1-2 openings are set to meet the 2:1 Seine: Gillnet ratio requirement for May. Chum management will begin on Sunday, June 17. Seiners will fish Sunday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday each week. Trollers fish on Monday, and Gillnetters on...
Read MoreNSRAA 2018 Spring Board Meeting
NSRAA’s 2018 Spring Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Wednesday & Thursday, March 7-8, 2018 in Sitka in the NSRAA Board Room. Meetings begin at 9 am each day. The public is invited to attend. Topics will include reviewing the NSRAA FY19 budget, program updates, and planning for the 2018 season and beyond. Click here for the meeting agenda.
Read MoreNSRAA Fall 2017 Board of Directors Meeting
NSRAA’s 2017 Fall Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Wednesday & Thursday, November 15-16, 2017 in Sitka in the NSRAA Board Room. Meetings begin at 9 am each day. The public is invited to attend. Topics will include reviewing the 2017 season, program updates, a review of Board of Fish proposals, and planning for the 2018 season. Click here for the meeting agenda.
Read MoreDeep Inlet Seine 30 August
Big shoot out at head of Deep Inlet, diving dogs, and 117 boats (possibly a record). Reports indicate that something on the order of 200,000 chum will be caught today. Chum continue to enter the SHA at Long Island, million dollar pass, and Error Island in modest numbers. Good luck to the gillnetters tomorrow.
Read MoreDeep Inlet Cost Recovery Completed!
Announcement will come out Sunday for Deep Inlet reopening. Completed in record time thanks to 10 harvest boats and numerous fish. The remainder of the Deep Inlet fish will be for common property. I do not see any broodstock problems. Please respect the gear group that is fishing their rotation in Deep Inlet; stay out of their way. Trollers will likely be fish Eastern Channel as well. Troll Tuesday Seine Wednesday Gillnet Thursday and so forth on published schedule. Great job SBS seiners getting the job done efficiently and orderly. Thank you
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