cost recovery

Deep Inlet CR Rap Up 23 August – 8pm

Posted by on Aug 23, 2017 in cost recovery | 0 comments

Deep Inlet CR Rap Up 23 August – 8pm

Harvest boats worked into the night and at least one filled up. The estimate for total chum harvest is 920,000 pounds. This puts us within 680,000 pounds in order to finish the job Saturday/Sunday. Thank you to all the boats, skippers, crew, and tenders for their efforts. It seems likely we will complete the job over the next weekend.

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Deep Inlet Cost Recovery 23 Aug, 3 pm

Posted by on Aug 23, 2017 in cost recovery | 0 comments

Deep Inlet Cost Recovery 23 Aug, 3 pm

Cost recovery harvest has been slow today, perhaps 100,000 pounds. Total on-board or processed is 800,000 pounds; half way to the goal. Seiners will fish two days of common property Thursday/Friday and begin cost recovery harvest again on Saturday morning. With some luck sufficient fish will move into the SHA and we will finish by Sunday August 26. Stay tuned. Next blog update will be Saturday morning.

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Deep Inlet Cost Recovery 23 Aug 8:30 a.m.

Posted by on Aug 23, 2017 in cost recovery | 0 comments

Deep Inlet Cost Recovery 23 Aug 8:30 a.m.

There are 3 boats fishing this morning. No fish on board. Reports are that it looks a little slow. Next report at noon today.

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Deep Inlet Cost Recovery 22 August 8pm

Posted by on Aug 22, 2017 in cost recovery | 0 comments

Deep Inlet Cost Recovery 22 August  8pm

As of 8 pm we have ~750,000 pounds on boats or offloaded. We will begin fishing first thing in the morning and take as much as possible up to 1.6 million pounds. Optimistically, I expect to close in on 1 million pounds by noon tomorrow. Will post mid-morning Wednesday for update.  

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Deep Inlet 22 Aug 2:45 p.m. Cost Recovery

Posted by on Aug 22, 2017 in cost recovery | 0 comments

Deep Inlet 22 Aug 2:45 p.m. Cost Recovery

Ten boats fished beginning at 5 a.m. this morning in the Deep Inlet SHA. By noon the boats could fish from the Eckholms to Long Island. As of 2:45 pm 448,000 pounds were offloaded or to be delivered. Several of the boats are continuing to harvest. I will provide another update tonight. Fishing will continue tomorrow until noon. Given the catch is less than we expected primarily due to fewer fish in the area we can harvest, I do not expect we will complete cost recovery operations tomorrow. Therefore, the likely schedule is to harvest the balance on August 26th and 27th. If we can accomplish...

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