cost recovery

Deep Inlet Update August 6, 2017

Posted by on Aug 6, 2017 in cost recovery | 0 comments

Deep Inlet Update August 6, 2017

Deep Inlet fall run is beginning to heat up for the troll fleet, but the fish have stalled in Sitka Sound due to the sunny, still weather. The latest sex ratio is 72% male in a troll sample with 22% of the sample being 3-year-old fish. This is unusual to see this many threes this early in the run and could mean a very large bell curve for the threes. A small component of those 3’s were Crawfish Inlet bound chum. The big question we are evaluating is when to have the closure for cost recovery. Our goal is to close Deep Inlet at or during the peak of the run so we can have it closed for...

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Hidden Falls July 9, 2017

Posted by on Jul 9, 2017 in cost recovery | 0 comments

Hidden Falls July 9, 2017

Two independent spotter pilots estimated 100,000 chum at Hidden Falls on July 7 & July 8. Large schools were reported in Kasnyku Bay, Round Island, Waterfall to Pt Turbot, and in Takatz Bay. In order to get a better understanding of run timing and run strength cost recovery will be conducted outside of Kasnyku Bay on Monday or Tuesday. Samples will be taken to establish age structure, average weight, and sex ratio. Results will be used to determine the next step for management of Hidden Falls. Hidden Falls needs 200,000 fish for broodstock assuming no holding mortality. Possible...

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Request for Cost Recovery Bids – 2017 Season

Posted by on Apr 3, 2017 in cost recovery | 0 comments

Request for Cost Recovery Bids – 2017 Season

NSRAA is seeking proposals for the licensing right to harvest a defined portion of Chinook, coho and chum salmon returns in five NSRAA Special Harvest Areas for the 2017 season. Interested Salmon Buyers: please see the bid documents below for full details. Bid forms are included in each document. Chum Cost Recovery – Deep Inlet and Crawfish Inlet Chinook & Coho Cost Recovery – Bear Cove, Kasnyku Bay & Mist Cove Bidding Deadline – Proposals must be received at NSRAA’s office by 5:00 p.m. AKDT, Tuesday, May 2, 2017

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2017 Fishing Schedules & Harvest Plans

Posted by on Mar 30, 2017 in cost recovery, news, schedule | 0 comments

2017 Fishing Schedules & Harvest Plans

NSRAA has finalized 2017 Schedules for Deep Inlet and Hidden Falls chum fisheries. Remember that these schedules are for planning purposes and that ADF&G News releases are the official schedules. The schedules and plans can be viewed on NSRAA’s Homepage, or on the FrontPage.

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Deep Inlet Cost Recovery – 100,000 lbs August 15

Posted by on Aug 16, 2016 in cost recovery, hatchery | 0 comments

Deep Inlet Cost Recovery – 100,000 lbs August 15

We had one boat fish at Deep Inlet during the common property opening. Starting after noon the F/V Revival caught 100,000 lbs. Two boats are fishing today. The remaining goal is 1.7 million pounds. Sex ratio from Sunday CR was 56% male. Approximately 20,000 chum were caught in total at Makhnati and Silver Point on August 15, each location had a 7 boat line up.

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