NSRAA Scholarship Reminder
Each year NSRAA awards three $2500 scholarships. Applications are due soon – check it out! ...
Read MoreSupport Alaska Hatcheries at Board of Fisheries
Alaska Board of Fisheries Proposal 156 is bad for Southeast Alaska Residents (and visitors) who rely on our long standing hatchery programs. Your voice is needed. LEARN MORE
Read MoreAug 30th Weekly Update
Cost recovery at Crawfish Inlet and Deep Inlet is currently ongoing. Based up progress this week at both Crawfish Inlet and post closure at Deep Inlet it is extremely unlikely there will be additional common property opportunity at Crawfish Inlet or Deep Inlet this season. Cost recovery progress is currently at 38% for Crawfish Inlet and 79% for Deep Inlet. We will continue to update our web page with daily cost recovery progress until completion. Total return to date now approximately 6.1 million fish.
Read MoreAug 22nd-Deep Inlet THA Closure
The Deep Inlet THA will close to common property fishing beginning on Sunday August 25th to facilitate fall chum brood stock collection and completion of remaining cost recovery. Cost recovery efforts this morning resulted in a harvest of less than 100k lbs., clearly indicating there is insufficient numbers of fish in the the Deep Inlet THA and the Eastern Channel/Silver Bay SHA to make meaningful progress towards our remaining cost recovery goal and allow continued common property opportunity. Additionally, we are closely monitoring chum brood stock numbers at Bear Cove and require the...
Read MoreAugust 21st Weekly Return Update
Fall chum returns to Deep Inlet this week have been exceptionally strong and current harvest estimates for Stat WK 33 has total chum harvest of just over 1 million fish. This is a record weekly harvest of chum for Deep Inlet with the vast majority of harvest occurring with the seine fisheries in Deep Inlet and Sitka Sound of approximately 890k fish for the week. Troll effort has lessened in the past week for Sitka Sound but good numbers of chum are still being caught by those trollers still participating in the Sitka Sound chum fishery. Troll chum harvest this past week in Sitka Sound was...
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