
Test Fisheries Statistics

Posted by on Jul 15, 2021 in news | Comments Off on Test Fisheries Statistics

Test Fisheries Statistics

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) conducts several test fisheries in Northern Southeast Alaska each year, as a means to assess pink and chum salmon abundance returning to the region. These test fisheries are conducted once per week by vessels contracted with the state, for a period of five to six weeks. NSRAA is interested in the origin of chum salmon intercepted in these test fisheries and cooperates with ADF&G and fish processors to collect otolith samples for each test fishery. Otoliths are read by both NSRAA and DIPAC and these preliminary results are used to make...

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WK 28 Return Update

Posted by on Jul 13, 2021 in news | Comments Off on WK 28 Return Update

WK 28 Return Update

Summer chum returns through Stat week 28 continue to be slow and are trending at or below the low range  of the forecast at all of our sites.  Historically this week (wk 29), would be the peak of the catch.  Sex ratio data on the summer chum indicates we are following that historical timeline and the returns will be weak and less than forecast. We continue to see virtually no 5-year olds at any of our sites and the chum return is over 95% 4-year olds.  Additionally the 4-year olds are small with a 6lb or less average. While the test fisheries at Pt Gardner and Kingsmill are indicating a...

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WK 27 Return Update

Posted by on Jul 7, 2021 in news | Comments Off on WK 27 Return Update

WK 27 Return Update

Summer chum returns to NSRAA projects through week 27 continue to be slow.  Our forecasts on chum predicted few 5-year old chum and early returns are following the forecast with over 95% of the chum return so far being 4-year olds.  Although week 27 did see an increase of chum catch across our sites, Deep Inlet had several moderate pulses of fish which is encouraging, we will need sustained recruitment to make our preseason forecast for the current stat week 28.  Historically the peak catch of summer chum occurs in week 29 so we will need to see quite an increase this week and next to stay...

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2021 Cost Recovery and Carcass sale awardees

Posted by on May 20, 2021 in news | Comments Off on 2021 Cost Recovery and Carcass sale awardees

2021 Cost Recovery and Carcass sale awardees

The following 2021 cost recovery and carcass contracts have been awarded at the close of the RFP period last week. Chum Cost Recovery – Crawfish Inlet & West Crawfish Inlet  – Silver Bay Seafoods Chum Cost Recovery – Hidden Falls & Gunnuk Creek  – OBI Seafoods Chinook Cost Recovery – Bear Cove & Crawfish Inlet – Sitka Sound Seafoods Coho Cost Recovery – Hidden Falls & Mist Cove – Trident Seafoods Chum Carcasses – Hidden Falls – Silver Bay Seafoods Chum Carcasses – Medvejie – Sitka Sound Seafoods...

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Deep Inlet THA Resident Impact and Noise Reduction Plan

Posted by on Apr 19, 2021 in news | Comments Off on Deep Inlet THA Resident Impact and Noise Reduction Plan

Deep Inlet THA Resident Impact and Noise Reduction Plan

The Deep Inlet Terminal Harvest Area boundaries encompass a number of private property residences on Long Island, Gull Island, and the Kutchuma Island Group, including Berry Island. NSRAA continued to receive reports of inappropriate vessel/fishermen behavior in 2020. Please be considerate of island residents in the entire Deep Inlet THA and nearby islands. Island residents have a two-decade history of delineating negative impacts by fishing boats and tenders, particularly noise, firearm discharge, and lights, during the Deep Inlet fishery. NSRAA is asking tenders, seiners, gillnetters and...

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