
September 2nd update-Deep Inlet Closure

Posted by on Sep 2, 2020 in news | Comments Off on September 2nd update-Deep Inlet Closure

September 2nd update-Deep Inlet Closure

NSRAA has requested that ADFG close Deep Inlet to all common property fisheries beginning end of day Saturday, April 5th, after troll day.  We continue to have concerns that sufficient brood stock has recruited to Bear Cove/Medvejie Hatchery.  This years chum egg goal at Medvejie is 102 million with an estimated brood stock need of 120,000 adults to achieve that goal.  Our brood stock estimate on Wednesday was 90k chum.  We have utilized approximately 20k chum for brood stock and our estimate of remaining chum in Bear Cove using aerial surveys is 70k chum remaining. We have not observed...

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Brood Collection Successful; Deep Inlet to Re-open

Posted by on Aug 24, 2020 in news | Comments Off on Brood Collection Successful; Deep Inlet to Re-open

Brood Collection Successful; Deep Inlet to Re-open

Operations Manger Adam Olson coordinated broodstock collection over the weekend. The operation was a success, with an estimated 33,000 chum caught and transported  to Medvejie on two tenders, the Debbie Sue and the Grace C.  The seiners Kalliste, Legacy, El Dorado and Reiver caught the fish and did a great job keeping them alive for transport. Thanks to all involved for your hard work. Numbers of chum swimming into Bear Cove have improved over the past week. At this point we are optimistic that we’ll have enough fish for broodstock needs. Chum eggtakes are set to begin Wednesday. The...

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August 21 Weekly Update

Posted by on Aug 21, 2020 in news | Comments Off on August 21 Weekly Update

August 21 Weekly Update

Cost Recovery fishing this week at Crawfish has gone very well. We are currently at 80% complete of our pre-season goal.  Based upon the current harvest rate we will complete Cost Recovery on Sunday August 23.  We will open the entire Crawfish Inlet net SHA to common property seine harvest on Tuesday August 25.  After Tuesday we will put CI in the same time/rotation as Deep Inlet seine.  I anticipate there will be large volume accumulated in the SHA by Tuesday.  Since Tuesday afternoon the vast majority of Cost Recovery has come out of Shamrock Bay in West Crawfish.  Fish have started to...

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August 14 Weekly Update

Posted by on Aug 14, 2020 in news | Comments Off on August 14 Weekly Update

August 14 Weekly Update

This week at Deep Inlet there was initial excitement as there was a good push of fish into the THA after the weekend rain and wind.  This push appears to have been short lived as the catch began dropping off on the Wednesday Gillnet day and continued to drop the last two days for the seine fleet.  At this point it is nearly a certainty we will close the Deep Inlet THA after the Gillnet rotation on Wednesday until further notice.  Most recent sex ratio is still 66% male but the 3 year old component has increased in the last week from 60% to 74%.  This combined with the drop in numbers is very...

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Aug 6 Weekly Update

Posted by on Aug 6, 2020 in news | Comments Off on Aug 6 Weekly Update

Aug 6 Weekly Update

We have made strong progress at Hidden Falls this past week and have taken 130 million chum eggs and gone through 150k fish.  We have taken an additional 5 million chum eggs at Medvejie for the Hidden Falls stock component leaving an additional 55 million to go.  Chum eggtakes are continuing at both Hidden Falls and Medvejie.  It is still to early to determine if we will make the entire goal of 190 million.  The numbers of chum entering Kasnyku Bay is slowly diminishing each day although it would be unusual for the run to entirely shut off this early.  We continue to collect chum at SE Cove...

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