
Hidden Falls Broodstock Update – July 18

Posted by on Jul 18, 2016 in news | 0 comments

Broodstock currently stands at 75,000 chum behind the barrier net, all volitional entry. The F/V Windwalker and F/V Reiver arrived this morning to actively collect another 50,000 brood fish. Egg takes will begin July 19. We still need another 45,000 fish beyond the 125,000 or 180,000 fish all-in. Spotter pilot reports have ranged from 200,000 to 750,000 chum in the SHA. So far this morning we are not seeing that kind of volume. We also have two cost recovery seiners looking for opportunity. Next update will be tomorrow.

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Hidden Falls Closed to Fishing June 27, 2016

Posted by on Jun 27, 2016 in hatchery, news, schedule | 0 comments

Hidden Falls Closed to Fishing June 27, 2016

Hidden Falls returns are exceedingly poor so we are discontinuing openings. Otolith samples from Homeshore show better results for Kasnyku and Takatz 4.0 chum strategy compared to regular 2.0 gram fish, but there just isn’t the abundance to make that very meaningful. We are developing a plan for obtaining the chum egg take goal. The best hope is that with the closure sufficient numbers of  chum return to Kasnyku. The backup plan to that is 1) Hidden Falls stock at Deep Inlet, 2) using fall Deep Inlet chum to back fill some of the HF egg production, 3)  obtain eggs from Gunnuk Creek,...

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Interested Salmon Buyers: Request for Proposals

Posted by on Apr 1, 2016 in cost recovery, news | 0 comments

Interested Salmon Buyers: Request for Proposals

Dear Interested Salmon Buyers: The Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association (NSRAA) based in Sitka, Alaska is seeking proposals for the licensing right to harvest a defined portion of  Chinook salmon at Medvejie/Deep, and coho at Hidden Falls & Mist Cove Special Harvest Areas for the 2016 season. A separate chum RFP will be announced April 11, 2016 with a call date of May 23. It will be the responsibility of the winning bidder/processor to provide harvest boats and tenders that can accomplish the job in the most efficient manner possible, and at the time and place of harvest...

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2016 Planning: Deep Inlet, Hidden Falls, Southeast Cove

Posted by on Mar 25, 2016 in cost recovery, news, schedule | 0 comments

2016 Planning: Deep Inlet, Hidden Falls, Southeast Cove

Fishing Schedules for Deep Inlet and Hidden Falls chum fisheries were finalized at the spring Board of Directors Meeting. Several documents have been posted on our website – both on the opening page and the FrontPage. Information includes: Hidden Falls chum: forecast, fishing schedule (calendar), broodstock collection timing, Assessment Area Map. The assessment rate has been set at $0.10 per pound, pending state approval. Deep Inlet chum: forecast, fishing schedule (calendars), cost recovery and broodstock collection plan, SHA Map (Special Harvest Area = cost recovery fishing areas)....

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NSRAA Spring Board Meeting : March 2-3 in Sitka

Posted by on Feb 26, 2016 in news | 0 comments

NSRAA Spring Board Meeting : March 2-3 in Sitka

NSRAA’s 2016 Spring Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Wednesday & Thursday, March 2-3, 2016 in Sitka in the NSRAA Board Room. Meetings begin at 9 am each day. The public is invited to attend. Topics will include NSRAA’s FY17 Budget, planning for the 2016 season and beyond, program updates and review of recent Board of Fish actions. To view the agenda, the full board book and staff presentations, visit our Board Info page.

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