
Deep Inlet Update – late August 31

Posted by on Aug 31, 2014 in news | 0 comments

Eggtake total at 16.4 million eggs. Chum will be moved from Deep Inlet on Monday beginning at 6:30 a.m. If all goes well we will announce re-opening in late afternoon through ADF&G announcement. Still expecting to announce Wednesday troll, Thursday seine, and Saturday gillnet. Seine/gillnet will be 15 hours each to keep the week even. Look for update mid to late afternoon tomorrow.

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Deep Inlet Progress for August 30 4:00 pm

Posted by on Aug 30, 2014 in news | 0 comments

2,000 additional chum captured at Deep Inlet today and continuing to work on collection (further update later tonight). Slower than hoped, but still lots of fish deep. Best case scenario is we finish today or Sunday and announce re-opening on Monday via ADF&G news release. When we decide I’ll put it on the web as soon as the decision is made. Department will get an announcement out quickly which will be the official notification. Remember, there are worse case scenarios as well and it may be some days before opening. I am just attempting to keep fishermen apprised of latest...

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Deep Inlet Chum Caught and Rolled into Pens – 14,000

Posted by on Aug 29, 2014 in news | 0 comments

Finally, some significant success at Deep Inlet. Purse seiner caught 14,000 chum today and rolled them into net pens. We will continue the effort tomorrow and attempt to put 16,000 more fish away. Stay tuned we may be done by Saturday night. Eggtakes went well today – 2.5 million. Expect an even better day tomorrow.

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Deep Inlet Chum Building Slow

Posted by on Aug 29, 2014 in news | 0 comments

The survey of Deep Inlet was not encouraging yesterday. There was no major build up of chum at the head end or even in Aleutkina Bay as had been observed by a fisherman the previous day. Eggtakes at Medvejie continue at a moderate pace with 1.5 million taken yesterday for a total of 9 million eggs. I expect after the big rain event predicted for today that the fish will begin pushing hard Saturday. Aerial observations of Silver Bay yesterday revealed slightly lower numbers of chum than reported the day before. It could be the fish were down deep or perhaps moved. Nevertheless, schools of...

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Medvejie/Deep Inlet Update – August 28

Posted by on Aug 28, 2014 in news | 0 comments

7.5 million chum eggs taken at Medvejie through 27 August. Chum broodstock is beginning to pull in closer to Bear Cove with ~5,000 fish at the bottom of the ladder last night. 60,000 fish are estimated in Silver Bay and Bear Cove combined. These fish are scattered throughout with large concentrations in Bear Cove, off hydro effluent of Green Lake, and along the north shore between Green Lake and Bear Cove. Deep Inlet also has some decent size schools of chum in the outer part of the THA. We will be assessing Deep Inlet today with the hope of collecting broodstock on Friday or Saturday. If we...

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