
Deep Inlet Broodstock Capture August 26

Posted by on Aug 26, 2014 in news | 0 comments

Efforts to capture broodstock at Deep Inlet were unsuccessful. Several sets were made, but only 500 chum were caught and rolled into net pens. It appeared there were few fish at the head of the inlet but we wanted to give it a try. There continue to be chum outside of Deep Inlet and scattered fish inside Deep Inlet but not in concentrations that are meaningful at this time. We will continue to monitor and will capture the fish when given an opportunity. Egg takes continue today.

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Deep Inlet/Medvejie Update August 26

Posted by on Aug 26, 2014 in news | 0 comments

Total eggtake is 5.5 million through yesterday. Broodstock numbers have not changed much at Medvejie. Most of the fish are in large schools but not pushing the fish ladder. There are many chum scattered in Bear Cove and out into Silver Bay. Estimate in the area is still about 40,000. Scott and crew are headed out to Deep Inlet this morning with purse seiner Carlos on F/V Kalliste. If sufficient chum are present they will capture and roll into pens. Reports continue to come in that there are large schools of chum around in Sitka Sound.

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Medvejie Broodstock – Improving but not Secure, Yet

Posted by on Aug 25, 2014 in news | 0 comments

Eggtakes began Saturday and continued Sunday with a total of 5 million chum eggs. The broodstock picture is improving but not yet secure. The estimate for Medvejie/Bear Cove is 35,000 fish with another 25,000 around the corner at the outfall of the Green Lake dam in Silver Bay (these will likely come around to Medvejie). Deep Inlet fish are still scattered through the THA but no large schools at the head end. It appears the chum coming into Deep Inlet continue to ‘visit’ and swirl back out to Eastern Channel. Troll and sport charter reports are very good with observations of...

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Medvejie Broodstock August 22

Posted by on Aug 22, 2014 in news, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Deep Inlet has been closed for 5 days now but few fish have shown up at the head of the inlet. There were a few jumps yesterday but no small or large bodies of fish. The fish were either deep or not there. Medvejie/Bear Cove looks much better, with an estimated 45,000 chum. Chum eggtakes begin tomorrow and I will have another estimate by tonight. Net pens are being towed to the head of Deep Inlet today and we will have a purse seiner at Deep Inlet this weekend or Monday. If there are fish the seiner will roll them into the net pens. However, if we don’t see fish we will conduct some...

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Medvejie/Deep Inlet Broodstock Report

Posted by on Aug 20, 2014 in news | 0 comments

The estimate of broodstock at Medvejie/Bear Cove as of Wednesday morning is 45,000 chum. The estimate at Deep Inlet, head of bay only is 5,000 to 10,000 and somewhat scattered. I am sure there are more fish at Deep Inlet THA but we need them to concentrate at the head end in order to capture and roll into net pens. We will continue to monitor numbers at both locations daily. The working plan is to accumulate 90,000 fish between Deep Inlet and Medvejie before we reopen the fisheries. This will be the largest eggtake at Medvejie by a large margin – 85,000,000 eggs (include new Crawfish...

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