
Deep Inlet Chum & Mist Cove Coho

Posted by on Aug 20, 2013 in news | 0 comments

Deep Inlet in-season forecast is 2.5 million chum, nearly double the preseason number. Last week saw 440,000 fish caught and may have been the peak, but the current week is already at 176,000 with only Sunday’s catch represented. Total return to date is 1.74 million, so we expect another 800,000 fish in the run. I would add this is probably conservative. The Deep Inlet troll catch is dropping off rapidly, coinciding with the heavy rains on Saturday.The total troll catch is 410,000 and close to a new record. If it weren’t for the processor harvest limits and changes to price...

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Deep Inlet Second Run Heating Up

Posted by on Aug 8, 2013 in news | 0 comments

The early chum run (Hidden Falls stock) harvest came in at about 520,000, approximately double the forecast. The fall run harvest to date is roughly 250,000, although the data reporting runs behind actual catch somewhat. The total catch last week was 130,000 fish; the trollers taking 75,000 of those with a fleet of ~50 boats, although the boat count this week is 70. Given the catch rates, it suggests there must be a large body of fish outside Deep Inlet THA from Biorka to Vitskari to Eastern Channel. In addition, even with good coho fishing near by, the chum troll fleet continues to grow....

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UAS Fisheries Tech Program

Posted by on Jul 26, 2013 in news | 0 comments

UAS Fisheries Tech Program

UAS Fisheries Tech Program…   Our new Fisheries Technology distance education program is your next step to Alaska’s hottest jobs.   Our proven program makes graduates not just employable but highly desirable in one of Alaska’s fastest-growing career fields. We offer a proven program from a new home with quality instructors who know Alaska and its fisheries, classes that prepare you for the career you want, and an accredited degree that allows you to pursue further studies in the future. UAS Fish Tech graduates have continued on to bachelor’s degrees in fish tech and other...

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Hidden Falls Tax clarification

Posted by on Jul 17, 2013 in cost recovery, hatchery, news, schedule | 0 comments

Hidden Falls Tax clarification

There has been some confusion regarding the Hidden Falls Assessment Tax, especially in regards to which species the tax applies to. Please take note and pass along this information:   Rate: the 2013 tax rate is 20% Species: the tax applies only to chum salmon Area: ADF&G Statistical Areas 112-11, 112-21, 112-22 Map of area covered by tax Duration: June 15-July 31 Gear: All gear groups (seine & troll)  

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Hidden Falls Dock

Posted by on Jul 11, 2013 in hatchery, news | 0 comments

Hidden Falls Dock

Hidden Falls is getting a new dock this summer. Construction is underway.
Here are a few shots of the progress so far.

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