
9,500 Chum this Morning by 8:30 a.m.

Posted by on Jul 9, 2013 in news | 0 comments

Expect to get another 20,000 fish today. Way to go Seth and crew.

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40,000 Broodstock Chum Today!

Posted by on Jul 8, 2013 in news | 0 comments

40,000 Broodstock Chum Today!

Will continue to collect fish on Tuesday. Target 30,000 fish.

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Hidden Falls Broodstock Numbers Promising – 28,000 today by Noon

Posted by on Jul 8, 2013 in news | 0 comments

Thursday opening is looking brighter at this moment. The two boats have put in 28,000 chum this morning. We expect to get another 20,000 by end of day and more on Tuesday. Decision to open Thursday could be known by noon tomorrow, but looking hopeful. Please thank John and Seth for moving this along. Stay tuned.

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Hidden Falls Broodstock & Deep Inlet Fishery

Posted by on Jul 8, 2013 in news | 0 comments

Broodstock collection is the big push at Hidden Falls this morning. There are thousands, probably tens of thousands of fish in and near Kasnyku Bay. F/V Robert Magnus, Seth Wyman & F/V Reality, John Curry are collecting fish this morning. There are at least two other boats ready to help with broodstock. We need a minimum of 90,000 more chum to meet program goals (HF, Takatz, S.E. Cove, & Deep Inlet). If we are lucky we’ll catch 40 or 50,000 today and see a clear path to catching another 20 or 30,000 tomorrow & Wednesday. At this time though, we don’t know if that many...

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Hidden Falls Sunday July 7th Opening Doubtful

Posted by on Jul 5, 2013 in news | 0 comments

Hidden Falls catch is estimated to be about 150,000 chum, not quite what I expected for the day. The sex ratio slipped a bit more to 44% male, whereas size remained at 6.8 lb average. Processor roe recovery for this past Sunday was 7.2%, another sign the run is nearing the end. Roe recovery at Hidden Falls can get up to 9%. Currently we have 35,000 brood chum behind the barrier thanks to F/V Pillar Bay, Reality and Voyager. Given the current sex ratio, roe recovery, broodstock needs, and where I believe we are at in the run I do not see opening Hidden Falls on Sunday. I will continue to...

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