Deep Inlet Return Over 2 Million and Climbing…..Slowly

Posted by on Aug 26, 2013 in news | 0 comments

Deep Inlet gillnet catch on Saturday was bigger than I expected with some 50,000 chum caught. Sunday’s seine catch looks to be about 50,000 also based on early catch reports. Seiners continue fishing chum today in common property areas of Sitka Sound and the gillnet fleet is back in the Deep Inlet THA.

Trolling is mostly done in Eastern Channel and Sitka Sound but not before the trollers harvested about 400,000 chum. Congratulations to the troll fleet.

Egg takes have started at Medvejie with over 8 million eggs taken over the weekend. Between this and the high female sex ratio in the fisheries the run is coming to a close. Some years the run doesn’t end until late September but this one feels like an early September end.

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