Mist Cove and Kasnyku Bay Closed Areas

Posted by on Jun 26, 2015 in hatchery | 0 comments

Mist Cove and Kasnyku Bay Closed Areas

Each year NSRAA has closed a small portion of the Special Harvest Area at both Mist Cove and Kasnyku Bays through an ADF&G emergency order. At the 2015 Board of Fisheries meeting two proposals were passed and put into regulation that close these same areas, which avoids annual EO’s. The regulation change doesn’t affect fisheries any differently than when they were closed by EO.

NSRAA closes these areas in order to collect & protect broodstock, conduct economic harvest at times, and protect operational infrastructure such as net pens, barrier nets, living quarters, and personnel from common property fisheries interactions. Safety of personnel is improved and property liability decreased as a result of this action.

NSRAA continues to maximize access to sports and commercial harvest in its SHA’s by opening SHA’s at Hidden Falls and Mist Cove during troll closures and lowering the chinook size limit. If you have questions please call the NSRAA office at 907-747-6850.

For maps of the closed area please see our new MAPS page.

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