Deep Inlet Early Stock (Hidden Falls) Better than 2014

Posted by on Jul 22, 2015 in news | 0 comments

Contrary to the Hidden Falls stock at Hidden Falls, at Deep Inlet it is performing quite well. In fact better than in 2014. The run probably has another week to go but right now the return is 520,000 or roughly 2.5% marine survival and will likely end up at 3%. In rounded numbers, 23 million Hidden Falls stock fry released at Deep Inlet in 2011 resulted in 600,000 adults in 2015, while at Hidden Falls/Takatz 76 million fry released in 2011 resulted in perhaps 250,000 (a rough guess) adults. Three times the release but less than half the return. Same stock, same eggtake site (Hidden Falls), same incubation, but different result.

We are lucky to have this comparison as it strongly suggests the problem is post release of the fry. I believe it is predation by humpback whales, Pollock and other predators. I am working on a plan for addressing the disaster at Hidden Falls which will be delivered to the NSRAA board of directors this fall.

Let’s hope the fall run at Deep Inlet performs as well as the summer run.

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