Deep Inlet to Close 11:59 pm August 6

Posted by on Jul 25, 2016 in cost recovery, hatchery | 0 comments

Deep Inlet to Close 11:59 pm August 6

Deep Inlet will close August 6th at the end of a troll day. The SHA will remain closed to trolling, seining and gillnetting until the cost recovery goal is met. It is expected to be closed for approximately two weeks. The chum goal during the closure has not been set as it will be affected by current cost recovery harvests at Southeast Cove, Hidden Falls (there may be some excess to broodstock), and Bear Cove/Medvejie where we are harvesting small but significant numbers tomorrow. The target number will be determined early next week.

However, it is expected that the total number of chum at Deep Inlet necessary to meet outstanding income needs will be something above 300,000 fish.

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