Deep Inlet Update – August 29

Posted by on Aug 29, 2016 in hatchery, news, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Deep Inlet Update – August 29

Deep Inlet opened to Trolling on Saturday. There was some effort by the Troll fleet, although I don’t have catch numbers yet. Sunday was a Seine day; using preliminary numbers it appears approximately 120,000 chum salmon were caught. This was a pleasant surprise and strengthens my belief that the fall run is anomalous in run timing and behavior. It seems likely that this week will see the largest catch of this year’s fall run.

Total run Summer (~600,000) and Fall (~600,000) is 1.2 million chum to date. Eggtakes are going well – 24 million eggs through Sunday with 68 million to go. Broodstock numbers look sufficient to complete the job.

We have another 50,000 lbs to complete cost recovery.

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