Deep Inlet – August 11 2017

Posted by on Aug 11, 2017 in cost recovery | 0 comments

Deep  Inlet – August 11 2017

We will announce a Deep Inlet closure date next Tuesday August 15th. It is likely we will close August 19th after the troll opening. We expect to see a major shift in the chum run over the weekend as a low pressure system enters SE Alaska. The gillnet fleet has already  noticed a change in chum numbers entering Deep Inlet. The 50 boat troll fleet saw a significant movement of chum from the Biorka to St. Larzaria line on Wednesday to a line from Vitskari Rocks to Povorotni Point today. The troll harvest rate has been running about 12,000 fish/day.

We will evaluate the sex ratio and catch numbers next Monday/Tuesday before making our decision. Our latest sample showed 67% male, 22% three-year-olds, and 69% four-year-olds and a 8.9 lb average in the troll fishery. We have also heard of  a new wave of chum out at Biorka. If this run is as big as it appears to be we should be able to get the cost recovery accomplished in a week or ten days at the most. The SHA extends east of a line from Makhnati to Burunof on August 20 so we may be harvesting in that area as well.

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