July 1 Weekly Update

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July 1 Weekly Update

Across the board returns continue to be slow and coming in at, or below, the lower range of our forecasts.  At Medvejie we have secured approximately 30% of our Chinook broodstock needs and are evaluating a Bear Cove closure to sport and commercial fishing next week if conditions do not improve.  Deep Inlet chum catch continues to tick up in numbers.  We are ahead of the 2019 Deep Inlet chum catch to date but tracking right on the lower range of our point forecast of 1.48 million.  Hidden Falls continues to disappoint with less than 10,000 fish caught to date and will be closed until further notice beginning with the July 2 Thursday seine opener.  Southeast Cove appears to be slowly picking up and the catch there is about half the Hidden Falls catch to date.  There has been minimal seine effort at Thomas Bay that we are aware of and has resulted in a harvest of less than 100 chum.  Dist 8 gillnet opened this week and we will be otolith sampling area 108-60 later today to see if the fleet is picking up any Thomas Bay bound chum.  Both the Hawk Inlet and the Point Gardner test fisheries this week had dismal chum catches with a total of 105 and 44 fish respectively.  Hopefully the change in weather will shake things up but so far a disappointing start during a very gloomy time across our state, country and world.  Enjoy the sunshine the best you can and if you happen to be in Sitka the 4th of July hasn’t been canceled and the fireworks are still on for July 3rd at 1130pm.  Stay safe.