July 8 Weekly Update

Posted by on Jul 8, 2020 in news | Comments Off on July 8 Weekly Update

July 8 Weekly Update

A gradual improvement has occurred at all of NSRAA return sites since last week.  This past week we have seen an increase in chum catch at both SE Cove and Deep Inlet with a total Deep Inlet catch of 37k for stat week 27.  The increases have put us back on track with our forecast curve for this point in the season.  While that is great news, my optimism is tempered with the state and region wide return failures, male chum sex ratio lower than would be anticipated for this point in the run, and average chum size dropping to 6.2 lbs at Deep Inlet.  There are reports of new chum moving into the Hidden Falls THA but they continue to stay offshore and not moving into Kasnyku Bay.  We continue to monitor the Hidden Falls chum return and evaluating options if run is short of brood stock needs.  At Medvejie our concern with the Chinook brood stock has been minimized.  Strong recruitment over the past week has put us over 80% of our total Chinook brood stock needs and a closure for sport and commercial harvest doesn’t appear to be necessary at this time.  Overall good news on the progress of our returns but much uncertainty and angst remains on how the season will play out.