August 21 Weekly Update

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August 21 Weekly Update

Cost Recovery fishing this week at Crawfish has gone very well. We are currently at 80% complete of our pre-season goal.  Based upon the current harvest rate we will complete Cost Recovery on Sunday August 23.  We will open the entire Crawfish Inlet net SHA to common property seine harvest on Tuesday August 25.  After Tuesday we will put CI in the same time/rotation as Deep Inlet seine.  I anticipate there will be large volume accumulated in the SHA by Tuesday.  Since Tuesday afternoon the vast majority of Cost Recovery has come out of Shamrock Bay in West Crawfish.  Fish have started to move through Cedar Pass and there was a large body of fish south of the pass mid-week that haven’t turned the corner into the SHA as of yesterday.  After Tuesday we will pull the net line back to the line approximately mid-SHA for the Thur/Fri seine openings.  This will give 4 days of build in the outer SHA for Troll opportunity.  Future SHA seine opening lines will partly depend on troll success in the outer SHA and fish quality and volume.  So far fish quality this year has been excellent.

We have begun moving fish from Deep Inlet to Medvejie/Bear Cove.  The first two loads are on the way currently and there appears to be sufficient volume to keep working on the fish and make decent progress today.  Based upon this initial success I anticipate that we will make our goal of moving 30k chum and issue an opening announcement for Deep Inlet on Monday Aug 24.  The re-opening will start on Wednesday with a troll day and then roll back into the normal Deep Inlet rotation with Seine Thur/Fri and troll Saturday to finish out the stat week.  The net fleets will have re-balanced their fishing time and the normal rotation should continue until the end of season.  Only complication would be if we continue to see poor recruitment to Bear Cove then another closure could be necessary.