Posted by on Nov 11, 2020 in news | Comments Off on

NSRAA’s 2020 Fall Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Thursday, November 11, 2020 via a ZOOM Meeting, with limited participation in Sitka in the NSRAA Board Room. The meeting will begin at 9:30 pm. It is anticipated that the board will be able to complete all agenda items on Thursday in a single day. If additional time is needed, the board will reconvene on Friday to complete their agenda. 9:00 a.m. Unfinished business from Thursday November 19, 2020. The public is invited to attend, but, due to COVID-19 concerns, there will be limited public seating available.

Update 11/16/20: In-person public participation is canceled due to rising Covid-19 cases in Sitka. Please see separate post for details.

Please call 907-747-6850 if you have questions.

Topics will include a review of the 2020 season, program updates, and planning for the 2021 season. Click here for the meeting agenda.