Deep Inlet THA Resident Impact and Noise Reduction Plan

Posted by on Apr 19, 2021 in news | Comments Off on Deep Inlet THA Resident Impact and Noise Reduction Plan

Deep Inlet THA Resident Impact and Noise Reduction Plan

The Deep Inlet Terminal Harvest Area boundaries encompass a number of private property residences on Long Island, Gull Island, and the Kutchuma Island Group, including Berry Island. NSRAA continued to receive reports of inappropriate vessel/fishermen behavior in 2020. Please be considerate of island residents in the entire Deep Inlet THA and nearby islands. Island residents have a two-decade history of delineating negative impacts by fishing boats and tenders, particularly noise, firearm discharge, and lights, during the Deep Inlet fishery.

NSRAA is asking tenders, seiners, gillnetters and trollers to not anchor, use high intensity lights, or tender fish near Island residences/docks within the Deep Inlet THA boundaries. When entering Deep Inlet via Silver Point, use no wake speeds to protect docks. Additionally, please remember that a majority of the islands and all docks in the THA are private property. Do not dock, disembark or allow pets to relieve themselves on these private islands. Attached chart shows which islands are private and preferred anchorage areas.

Please be considerate of island residents and encourage other vessels not exhibiting good behavior to alter their activities. The long-term success of the program and maintaining current THA boundaries will be dependent upon the commercial fishing fleet not negatively impacting the areas residents.

Thank you for your continued efforts to operate as good neighbors to the island residents.





Printable PDF of Deep Inlet THA Resident Impact and Noise Reduction Plan