2021 Cost Recovery and Carcass sale awardees

Posted by on May 20, 2021 in news | Comments Off on 2021 Cost Recovery and Carcass sale awardees

2021 Cost Recovery and Carcass sale awardees

The following 2021 cost recovery and carcass contracts have been awarded at the close of the RFP period last week.

Chum Cost Recovery – Crawfish Inlet & West Crawfish Inlet  – Silver Bay Seafoods

Chum Cost Recovery – Hidden Falls & Gunnuk Creek  – OBI Seafoods

Chinook Cost Recovery – Bear Cove & Crawfish Inlet – Sitka Sound Seafoods

Coho Cost Recovery – Hidden Falls & Mist Cove – Trident Seafoods

Chum Carcasses – Hidden Falls – Silver Bay Seafoods

Chum Carcasses – Medvejie – Sitka Sound Seafoods