WK 27 Return Update

Posted by on Jul 7, 2021 in news | Comments Off on WK 27 Return Update

WK 27 Return Update

Summer chum returns to NSRAA projects through week 27 continue to be slow.  Our forecasts on chum predicted few 5-year old chum and early returns are following the forecast with over 95% of the chum return so far being 4-year olds.  Although week 27 did see an increase of chum catch across our sites, Deep Inlet had several moderate pulses of fish which is encouraging, we will need sustained recruitment to make our preseason forecast for the current stat week 28.  Historically the peak catch of summer chum occurs in week 29 so we will need to see quite an increase this week and next to stay within our forecast.   In week 27 the F/V Barbara harvested our first cost recovery chum returning to Gunnuk Creek hatchery to get an indication of run strength and age make up.  We had a poor catch with less than 500 fish at 62% male, scales are currently being processed.  There were reports of scattered jumps in the Gunnuk Creek SHA but there didn’t appear to be much volume under them.  Last week the F/V Barbara also performed the first Hidden Falls test fishery of the season with a more encouraging 5 set average of 191 per set, 98% 4-year olds and 66% percent male .  These set locations are spread throughout the Hidden Falls THA at South Pt., Cosmos, North Point, Waterfall and Pt. Turbot. An additional 4,000 fish were harvested within Kasnyku bay.  The second test fishing event is occurring Wednesday at Hidden Falls with the second effort at Gunnuk Creek on Friday.

In contrast to the chum return, the Chinoook return to Sitka Sound looks like it will exceed the forecast of ~20,000.  To date over 3,000 were caught in the spring troll fisheries, with tag data still to come in from that fishery. Undoubtedly more will be caught during the first summer troll opener as well.  Additionally, over 4,000 have been caught in the Deep Inlet THA, while at Bear Cove we have taken over 500 for cost recovery and collected ~4,500 for brood stock.  With brood stock secured, we will resume Chinook cost recovery efforts at Bear Cove on Thursday of this week, as we continue to see a good push of fish into the cove.  Challenge will be harvesting the Chinook while minimizing capture of brood stock summer chum just beginning to show up.

On Tuesday this week the first Big Port Walter test fishing occurred.  The F/V Christina Dawn is performing the test sets, with Sitka ADFG personnel taking care of sample collection.  A total of 4 under 28″ Chinook and 3 sockeye were captured, with genetic samples collected and released alive.  Additionally, a total of 7 pink salmon and 23 chum salmon were captured.  NSRAA is currently processing the chum otoliths for a primary read with the secondary read being performed by the ADFG Otolith Lab in Juneau.  There will be weekly fishing events through week 32.  The results from this test fishing will be used by NSRAA and ADFG to evaluate the Big Port Walter location for a potential chum salmon release site.

Good luck fishing this week and lets hope the fish keep showing up.