First Fry to Southeast Cove

Posted by on Apr 2, 2013 in hatchery | 0 comments

First Fry to Southeast Cove

An additional 10 million chum eggs were taken at Hidden Falls last summer for NSRAA’s new project at Southeast Cove near Kake. Net pens were constructed in early February; fry were transported later in February & are currently being reared at the site. These fish are part of NSRAA’s “4.0 program”, where fry are reared for a longer period and released as ~4 gram fry. This is a cooperative project with Gunnuk Creek Hatchery. The first four year olds will return in 2016; when we will get an initial look at marine survival.

Photo: Project leader Ritch Phillips oversees the loading of chum fry on the Lucy O for a trip to Southeast Cove.

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