The Deep Inlet Terminal Harvest Area (THA) is expected to close to all gear groups in mid-August for the purpose of chum brood stock preservation.
NSRAA is forecasting exceptionally weak four-year-old chum returns to Medvejie Hatchery this season, making fishery brood stock closures in Bear Cove and Deep Inlet a near certainty. The NSRAA Board approved brood stock management actions that will close the Deep Inlet rotational fisheries during stat week 34. Unless otherwise indicated by in-season run evaluation, the inlet will close beginning Sunday August 20th, through Saturday August 26th, by ADFG Advisory Announcement. Closure may be extended if adequate brood stock preservation has not been achieved by weeks end.
Re-opening will be done in a manner that ensures pre-season harvest rotation splits are maintained.
NSRAA will also request that ADF&G close the Sitka Sound chum Troll fishery during the coho troll closure in the Sitka Sound subdistrict (113-41). Such a request is at the discretion of ADF&G, however every effort must be made to ensure the viability of our brood stock. In light of the recent court ruling closing the Chinook troll season, the NSRAA Executive Committee met on June 10th and reaffirmed the full board decision made in March to make this request.
Regular in-season updates will be available on the NSRAA website.
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