June 21st, Weekly Return Update

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June 21st, Weekly Return Update

This past week summer chum returns to Hidden Falls and Deep Inlet continue to be strong and the first reported harvest at SE Cove which is tracking on the historical high side of return numbers for current stat week. Hidden Falls and Deep Inlet continue to be majority 4-year-olds making up over 79% of harvest at Hidden Falls and over 90% for Deep Inlet. Hidden Falls will have an estimated 75K total adult chum harvest this week and Deep Inlet will come in around 100k after today’s seine harvest is complete. The chum harvest at Hidden Falls this stat week will be the third highest on record since the beginning of the program.

Sunday’s Pt Augusta chum harvest otolith information indicated 52% Hidden Falls bound chum and 30% DIPAC chum. The remaining sample was 12% Thomas Bay, 4% SE Cove and 1% for Gunnuk Creek. As with most sites Augusta harvest was heavy on the 4-year-olds which made up 74% of catch and a 68% male ratio.

Cost recovery harvest is beginning today (Fri 6/21) at Hidden Falls and will begin Saturday at Bear Cove and head of Deep Inlet. Hidden Falls cost recovery will be in inner Kasnyku Bay behind our barrier net as well in outer Kasnyku. Lines for common property seine Sunday at Hidden Falls will be the same as Thursday’s opener. Deep Inlet proper will remain closed until cost recovery is completed which will likely be mid-July.