Posts Tagged "Hidden Falls"

2014 Hidden Falls Assessment Rate Set

Posted by on May 1, 2014 in hatchery, schedule | 0 comments

2014 Hidden Falls Assessment Rate Set

The Hidden Falls Chum Assessment Tax has been set at 20% for the 3rd year in a row.

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Hidden Falls Chum Schedule Update

Posted by on Apr 29, 2014 in news, schedule | 0 comments

Hidden Falls Chum Schedule Update

Hidden Falls opens for the season on Sunday, June 15, 2014, NOT June 22 as previously reported on our website. Seiners please take note of this and pass the word. The 2014 assessment rate has been set at 20%. This is a preliminary figure and should be finalized by late May. More details can be found here: Hidden Falls 2014 Schedule & Tax Assessment Area Map.

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Hidden Falls Dock

Posted by on Jul 11, 2013 in hatchery, news | 0 comments

Hidden Falls Dock

Hidden Falls is getting a new dock this summer. Construction is underway.
Here are a few shots of the progress so far.

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Hidden Falls Will Collect Final Broodstock, Volitional if Possible

Posted by on Jul 11, 2013 in news | 0 comments

Final broodstock are being collected & counted using leads into the barrier net during the fishery today. We may be able to finish it this way but if not we’ll enlist a boat. If we can complete the broodstock goal our intention is to open Kasnyku Bay for fishing.

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Hidden Falls Broodstock Completed for July 10th

Posted by on Jul 10, 2013 in news | 0 comments

F/V Cape Flattery completed two sets this morning in Kasnyku Bay to reach our broodstock goal for the week – 110,000 chum. We still need about 20,000 fish.

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