Hidden Falls Broodstock & Deep Inlet Fishery

Posted by on Jul 8, 2013 in news | 0 comments

Broodstock collection is the big push at Hidden Falls this morning. There are thousands, probably tens of thousands of fish in and near Kasnyku Bay. F/V Robert Magnus, Seth Wyman & F/V Reality, John Curry are collecting fish this morning. There are at least two other boats ready to help with broodstock. We need a minimum of 90,000 more chum to meet program goals (HF, Takatz, S.E. Cove, & Deep Inlet). If we are lucky we’ll catch 40 or 50,000 today and see a clear path to catching another 20 or 30,000 tomorrow & Wednesday. At this time though, we don’t know if that many chum are in the area.

I will update broodstock numbers as they come in today.

Deep Inlet sex ratio slipped to near 40% male in the last sample. Sunday’s seine fishery has not been sampled yet. However, like Hidden Falls the run is nearing the end.

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