Deep Inlet Second Run Heating Up

Posted by on Aug 8, 2013 in news | 0 comments

The early chum run (Hidden Falls stock) harvest came in at about 520,000, approximately double the forecast. The fall run harvest to date is roughly 250,000, although the data reporting runs behind actual catch somewhat.

The total catch last week was 130,000 fish; the trollers taking 75,000 of those with a fleet of ~50 boats, although the boat count this week is 70. Given the catch rates, it suggests there must be a large body of fish outside Deep Inlet THA from Biorka to Vitskari to Eastern Channel. In addition, even with good coho fishing near by, the chum troll fleet continues to grow. The troll and gillnet fleets are neck and neck for total season catch, each just over 160,000 since June. Early morning reports today suggest the trollers will blow by the gillnet catch this week.  Catch limits for the seine fleet has influenced total catch in Deep Inlet and there is likely a latent opportunity waiting in Deep Inlet.

An August 4th sex ratio from a troll sample was 63% male, indicating the run is still in the early stages. Normal peak run timing is between August 15th and August 21st and it seems likely there is still a million chum left in the run. 

The troll fleet is also doing quite well catching Hidden Falls and Deer Lake coho in districts 9, 12, 13, 14 and 16. So far trollers have caught about 60,000 NSRAA produced coho, with Deer Lake leading the pack at 40,000 to its credit. Deer Lake is on track to have a very big year.

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