Deep Inlet Chum & Mist Cove Coho

Posted by on Aug 20, 2013 in news | 0 comments

Deep Inlet in-season forecast is 2.5 million chum, nearly double the preseason number. Last week saw 440,000 fish caught and may have been the peak, but the current week is already at 176,000 with only Sunday’s catch represented. Total return to date is 1.74 million, so we expect another 800,000 fish in the run. I would add this is probably conservative.

The Deep Inlet troll catch is dropping off rapidly, coinciding with the heavy rains on Saturday.The total troll catch is 410,000 and close to a new record. If it weren’t for the processor harvest limits and changes to price structure, a new record certainly would have been set. Nevertheless, the trollers had a great season on Deep Inlet chum.

The gillnet perspective is a little different due to the number of boats, estimated at  100 last week. Even though there were decent numbers going into the inlet the average catch is disappointing to many. The main body of chum stayed out in Sitka Sound for most of the past 3 weeks with only small schools pealing off into Deep Inlet. Total gillnet catch is 325,000 to date.

All NSRAA coho programs are showing high marine survivals, but Deer Lake/Mist Cove looks to be far out in front of Hidden Falls and the Sawmill Cove/Medvejie programs. The Deer Lake contribution is already at 70,000 and headed for a 15% marine survival. Hidden Falls contribution is 36,000.

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