Deep Inlet Chum Return – Another Challenge

Posted by on Aug 11, 2014 in news | 0 comments

We are weighing whether to close Deep Inlet and surrounding waters to chum fishing. We will be making the decision on Tuesday in order to get an announcement out this week. Currently, we are considering three options:

  1. Close Deep Inlet THA, south Sitka Sound seine fishery (ADFG authority), and troll non retention (ADFG authority) of chum salmon in south Sitka Sound beginning Thursday.
  2. Close Deep Inlet THA, south Sitka Sound seine fishery (ADFG authority), and troll non retention (ADFG authority) of chum salmon in south Sitka Sound beginning Sunday.
  3. Remain open

Medvejie program needs 80,000 brood fish and currently has 12,000. If we close we will accumulate fish until we have enough between Deep Inlet (will net fish and tow to Medvejie) and at Medvejie. Once secure we will reopen.

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