Deep Inlet to Close Sunday August 17, 12:01 a.m.

Posted by on Aug 12, 2014 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

NSRAA plans to close Deep Inlet THA Sunday August 17. ADF&G will announce closure of southern portion of Sitka Sound to seine fishing for the Augusta 16/17 opening and non retention of troll caught chum in similar area.

NSRAA will continue to evaluate gillnet, troll, and seine fisheries through Saturday August 16. If a huge wave of a quarter million chum arrive in the meantime we can reverse course, but that seems unlikely. Once the closure is initiated NSRAA will monitor fish numbers in Deep Inlet and Medvejie. When there are 30,000 chum at Deep Inlet we will hire a seiner to capture and roll fish into net pens for towing to Medvejie. The target number for Deep Inlet and Medvejie combined is 80,000 fish. Deep Inlet will reopen once we know the broodstock is secure.

Thanks for your understanding.

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