Medvejie/Deep Inlet Update – August 28

Posted by on Aug 28, 2014 in news | 0 comments

7.5 million chum eggs taken at Medvejie through 27 August. Chum broodstock is beginning to pull in closer to Bear Cove with ~5,000 fish at the bottom of the ladder last night. 60,000 fish are estimated in Silver Bay and Bear Cove combined. These fish are scattered throughout with large concentrations in Bear Cove, off hydro effluent of Green Lake, and along the north shore between Green Lake and Bear Cove.

Deep Inlet also has some decent size schools of chum in the outer part of the THA. We will be assessing Deep Inlet today with the hope of collecting broodstock on Friday or Saturday. If we can get 20,000 to 30,000 we will tow the pens to Bear Cove and announce the reopening schedule. Right now, that is still a big IF.

Sex ratio at the rack yesterday was 62% male, not surprising at this early date in the spawning window.

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