Hidden Falls Closed to Fishing June 27, 2016

Posted by on Jun 27, 2016 in hatchery, news, schedule | 0 comments

Hidden Falls Closed to Fishing June 27, 2016

Hidden Falls returns are exceedingly poor so we are discontinuing openings. Otolith samples from Homeshore show better results for Kasnyku and Takatz 4.0 chum strategy compared to regular 2.0 gram fish, but there just isn’t the abundance to make that very meaningful. We are developing a plan for obtaining the chum egg take goal. The best hope is that with the closure sufficient numbers of  chum return to Kasnyku. The backup plan to that is 1) Hidden Falls stock at Deep Inlet, 2) using fall Deep Inlet chum to back fill some of the HF egg production, 3)  obtain eggs from Gunnuk Creek, and 4) getting 20 million eggs from DIPAC.

A new release strategy is being developed for Kasnyku Bay chum fry in 2017. I’ll have weekly updates on Hidden Falls broodstock developments.

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