Cost Recovery at Deep Inlet August 11 – 75,000 lbs

Posted by on Aug 12, 2016 in news | 0 comments

Two boats fished on August 11, harvesting 75,000 pounds.We still have a long way to go with 2.06 million pounds to harvest.

Sex ratio was 59% male. Otolith reads from the August 10 harvest have been read and show 13% of the fish are still the Hidden Falls stock. These Hidden Falls stock are probably mostly females at this point and skewing the sex ratio; the sex ratio of the Medvejie stock is probably in the mid-60% male range. Also of note in the otolith data are good numbers of fish from our 4.0 chum program (“late-large” chum).

Although the harvest is slower than expected at this point, we are seeing signs of new fish arriving and a large increase in fish numbers at Bear Cove. Two or three boats will fish tomorrow and Sunday. We’ll continue to post daily catch updates on the Deep Inlet chum web page, and will post a new blog update on Monday.

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