Deep Inlet to Open Saturday August 27 for Troll, Sunday Seine……

Posted by on Aug 26, 2016 in hatchery, news, schedule | 0 comments

Deep Inlet to Open Saturday August 27 for Troll, Sunday Seine……

Thursday August 25 at 2 pm ADF&G announced that Deep Inlet would reopen on Saturday August 27 beginning with a Troll rotation, followed by Seine on August 28, and Gillnet on August 29. This puts the fishery rotation in the normal sequence for the remainder of the season.

Cost recovery should be completed today, August 26. There is something less than 100,000 lbs. remaining. We will make the final tally today and hope to close it out. If we do not complete cost recovery today we may harvest outside of the Deep Inlet THA but within NSRAA’s larger SHA.

Broodstock numbers look good at Bear Cove. We have 15 million eggs of the 92 million goal.

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